Membership under EATGN consists of affiliation and signatories to the Charter of Commitment. At the global and continental level, EATGN is affiliated to the Global Alliance for Tax Justice (GATJ), the Tax Justice Network Africa (TJNA), and the Fighting Inequality Alliance (FIA) thereby joining the growing world movement for fair taxation.
Further, by virtue of being in Kenya, EATGN – through its Tax Justice Forum in Kenya (TJFK) initiative -is also affiliated with the Okoa Uchumi Coalition (OUC), Sustainable Development Group (SDG) Kenya Forum, Civil Society Parliamentary Engagement Network (CSPEN), and the Open Government Partnership (OGP).
Regionally, EATGN is also affiliated to the Tax Justice Alliance in Uganda and the Tax Justice Working Group (TJWG) in Tanzania.
This complemented by 37 organizational and individual signatories to the Charter of Commitment in Burundi, Rwanda, and Tanzania pledging to strengthen EATGN admission and participation initiatives in championing tax justice for sustainable development in East Africa.